Fortune Favors the Bold
Audent Capital Partners is a family of investment businesses delivering distinctive solutions for sophisticated investors
SEC-registered investment manager offering goals-based, traditional and alternative investment strategies.
As active investors focused on total return investing, we tailor our clients' portfolios with a traditional mix of investments that are enhanced by using options to balance risk and seek opportunity and drive cash flow when markets are less prediticable.
We are developing a next-gen advisory business to digitally scale financial advice with best of breed FinTech services, enabling financial planning and strategy access like never before.
Applying our longstanding experience and deep knowledge of the real estate industry, we are developing an opportunistic, private equity real estate offering that will deliver institutional caliber transactions that include taking a co-gp position in certain transactions, ie student housing, senior living or multi-family and focusing on real estate that have strong cash on cash returns and outsized turn around stories/returns when realized